Healthy Matters Ep4: Tony Robbin’s Challenge
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Lori is an Entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience helping others live a life they love. She first had to find her way out of a difficult situation and make new choices in the face of an uncertain future. She learned to trust the process and herself. Now she owns her 24 and is committed to helping others own theirs, too! Once she learned that our questions in which we live direct our focus for our life, her mantra became, “How can I have it all?” If you get to define the focus for your life, what would your question be?.
Congruency Subscribe on Share on Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter https://youtu.be/YRK3mWz-Idk
Congruency Subscribe on Share on Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter
Mastering that inner voice to work for you, not against you. Subscribe on Share on Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter https://youtu.be/qvmHpsssdjA
Lori begins her personal series, giving you tips and tools for healthy living Subscribe on Share on Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter
But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute…look at it and really see it…live it…and never give it back.
Finding the passion in life, owning the events, decisions and circumstances in the 24 hours in each of our days