Heaven and Hell
Heaven and Hell One day, a large, burly Samurai Warrior approached a Zen Master. He inquired of the Master, “Please O Master, teach me what
Heaven and Hell One day, a large, burly Samurai Warrior approached a Zen Master. He inquired of the Master, “Please O Master, teach me what
“Where does the time go?” How often have we said or heard that? The objective of our very humble blog is to offer some suggestions
I wrote this in 2008 and came across it today. I can still dig it and I hope you can! Like some secret, encrypted
This is an excellent post from Ram Dass in his foundation’s site (and facebook page) named Love, Serve, Remember. If somebody is a problem
Once, a Zen Master encountered a visiting monk. In front of a group, the master asked the monk, “Where do you come from?” The monk
This is an excellent article I recently read in the great blog called “The Buffer Blog”. Check it out! How To Make Positivity a Habit:
Finding the passion in life, owning the events, decisions and circumstances in the 24 hours in each of our days